
Showing posts from July, 2023

Important Health Issues Every Woman Should Know

  Every woman should be aware of important health issues that specifically affect them. While men and women may share some health problems, women have their own unique concerns that require attention. With the demands of daily life, it’s easy for women to neglect their health. However, being informed about women’s health conditions can lead to healthier lifestyle choices, disease prevention, longer life expectancy, and improved quality of life. In this blog, we will discuss six common health issues that affect millions of women each year.   Menstruation Problems Many women experience issues with their menstrual cycles, including heavy or light periods, missed periods, and irregular periods. Menstrual cramps are also a common problem. Heavy menstrual bleeding refers to excessive blood loss of more than 80 ml or periods lasting longer than seven days. Approximately 9 to 14 out of 100 women experience heavy periods, which can interfere with daily life and potentially lead to iron...